Friday, May 18, 2012

A is for Amniotic Egg!

Amniotic eggs are eggs produced by reptiles, birds, and other egg laying mammals. Their eggs are usually calcium based or leathery. The embryo is developed inside the amnion. 
This picture is a good representation of an amniotic egg because this bird egg has a calcium based shell in which the embryo was developed inside of the bird.

B is for Barr Body!

A Barr Body is the inactivated X chromosome in a female cell. It is one of the two X chromosomes a female receives in each cell.
The picture of Robin from How I Met Your Mother represents a Barr Body because in all of her somatic cells she has a Barr Body because she is a female.

C is for Carpel!

The carpel is the female reproductive system of a flower which includes the ovary, style and stigma. Fertilization occurs inside a carpel of a flower when the pollen grain lands on the stigma.

This picture shows a plant with a a long stigma coming from the inner plant. The stigma and style can be clearly seen as it is longer than the male reproductive stamen which consists of the anther and filament.

D is for Dicot!

A dicot is a flowering plant with an embryo with two cotyledons, flower parts in multiples of four or five, and stem vascular bundles in a ring.

This picture represents a dicot because it is a flowering plant with five petals.

E is for Endoskeleton!

An endoskeleton is any mammal that has a inside structural bone structure. This includes humans, mammals, reptiles, and most aquatic animals.

This picture of a human illustrates the inward bone structure due to the ability to stand and the structure of his arms hanging out.

F is for Fruit!

Fruit is the outer fleshy part covering a seed in certain plants that protects the seed. It is developed in the ovaries. It also makes birds want to eat it so the seed will be spread when the bird poops.

This represent fruit because the little red balls are actually fruit from a tree outside the school. They are fleshy and protect the seed inside.

G is for Gymnosperm!

A gymnosperm  is a naked seed bearing plant that does not produce flowers. They are usually cycads or conifers in which the seed is not encased in an ovary.

This coniferous pine tree is a representation of a gymnosperm due to the seeds that are not encased in an ovary, such as fruits, and lack of flower.

H is for Herbivore!

An herbivore is an organism that eats producers. It only eats plants and other organisms that create their own food.

Maddie is a good example of an herbivore because she is a vegetarian and only eats organisms that produce their own food.

I is for Ingestion!

Ingestion is the process by which heterotrophs gain nutrition through organisms and producers being eaten or consumed.

This picture shows an anonymous classmmate eating a french fry through the process of ingestion. This french fry will provide minimal nutrician to the consumer.

J is for J Shaped Curve of Population Growth!

A J Shaped Curve of Population Growth is an exponential curve describing the growth of a population. Population increases rapidly at the beginning but then levels off as environmental pressures limit the growth.

Erin and Devon represent a J Shaped Curve because if they were to reproduce, they would add the exponentially increasing population curve of the human population. The population growth of humans is an example of J shaped population growth curve.

K is for Krebs Cycle!

The Krebs cycle is a series of chemical reactions in a cell that acts as a crucial part in energy conversion. This process is found in chloroplasts of plants and mitochondria of mammals. 

This illustrated that the krebs cycle has already converted oxygen and glucose into useable energy and carbon dioxide.

L is for Lipid!

A lipid is a molecule that are hydrophobic and store energy. They are found in plasma membranes to create a selectively permeable membrane.

This picture represents a lipid because butter is an example of a lipid. It is made from a triglyceride and three fatty acids.

M is for Meristem!

The meristem is the tissue in most plants that are composed of undifferentiated cells that can divide and turn into any type of cell that he plant needs.

This is a model structure of a plants meristem that shows the different type of cells and their maturation.

N is for Node!

A node is where a leave grows from on the stem of a plant. It is the area between the leaf stem and the plant stem.

This picture represents a node because it clearly shows the area where the leaf stems attach to the plant stem.

O is Omnivore!

An omnivore is any organism the consumes both consumers and producers.

Dana is a prime illustration of an omnivore because she enjoys a steak with a nice salad.

P is for Pollination!

Pollination is the act of the the pollen grain from one plant touching the stigma of another plant. With this act, fertilization begins.

This picture represents pollination because the butterfly most likely had pollen on it from another plant. By landing on another plant, it transfered the pollen grain to the plant, pollinating it.

Q is for Quadrapedal!

A quadrupedal is any animal that walks or runs on four legs. 

My dog Morgan illustrates a quadrupedal because she constantly runs and walks on four legs.

R is for Retina!

A retina is the tissue lining the inner eye. The image of the world is displayed on the retina, hitting the optic nerve and is transmitted to the brain.

Maddie's eye illustrates retina because inside of her eye has the retina tissue in it, allowing her to see.

S is for Seed!

A seed is a small embryonic plant encased in a seed shell or coat.

This sunflower seed has the embryonic plant of a sunflower in the seed coating which could be planted if it were not being eaten.

T is for Tropism!

There are three major kinds of tropisms: phototropism, gravitropism, and thigmotropism. A tropism is a reaction to a stimuli in plants. More specifically, phototropism is the reaction to light, gravitropism is the reaction to gravity, and thigmotropism is the reaction to touch.

This plant is displaying tropism because it is moving towards where the light will reach. It's base is much farther down in the forest where very little light reaches. The leaves of the plant reach toward the sun, exemplifying phototropism.

U is for Uterus!

A uterus is an organ in the lower female body in which offspring are conceived and are gestated before birth.

Erin is a women and therefor has the lower uterus organ which will allow her to be able to conceive a baby. 

V is for Vestigal Organ!

Vestigal organs are organs that are in the body that no do not serve a purpose. They may have once served a purpose, but are no longer needed.

 This picture of Robert represents a vestigal organ because Robert used to have an appendix but had his removed. The appendix is a vestigal organ because it does not serve a true purpose anymore but might have in the past.

W is for White Blood Cells!

A white blood cell, or lysosome, is a component of blood that is responsible for the healing and protection of diseases in a mammalian body.

This picture of a scar represents the white blood cells doing their job and healing a wound that was bleeding.

X is for Xylem!

Xylem is the vascular tissue that brings water up the plant through the stem. It also carries nutrients.

This picture represents xylem because this plant has xylem tissue in its stem and its leaves.

Y is for Yeast!

Yeast is a microscopic fungis that invokes aerobic fermentation and allowing fermentation in some products such as wine and bread.

This picture of a bagel shows that it has been leavened and gone through fermentation by the fungus, yeast.

Z is for Z Lines!

Z Lines are the borders of the Sacromeres in muscles. Actin molecules bind to the Z Lines.

This picture of Jacob's muscle in his arm demonstrates Z Lines because in all of his muscles, Z Lines create the border of his muscles.